Saturday, November 23, 2019

To reconnect.

How I wish I could be
The same girl, old me
No tears will see
The happy girl I used to be

Pain, sorrow and hurt
Now has been insert
With no smile
Only little cries are heard

Help me please, dear God I say
If my heart only could lay
Just one quiet night left in astray
To do nothing but pray

There is nothing but I solely regret
I wish I could undo the upset
The failure I have caused and the upset
To ever bring back the happiness and reconnect

A Poetry Analysis on Robert Burns: To a Mouse, On Turning Her up in Her Nest with the Plough, November, 1785

A Poetry Analysis on

Robert Burns: To a Mouse, On Turning Her up in Her Nest with the Plough, November, 1785

By Shahira Kader

            Robert Burns is a self-educated, well celebrated Scottish poet who inspired the early Romantic movements though his theory of Primitivism. He used his natural flow of nature feelings in his works to highlight his ideology on Primitivism. His poems were mostly written in Scots dialect of English in support of his ideology to the theory. He felt it was rather natural to be original than to temporarily pretend to be someone he wasn’t although he has also written some work in English, the true passion of nature and primitivism are seen on his Scots dialect poetry.
            Robert Burns was known to be a peasant poet as his works spoke mostly on the beauty of preserving nature. He often concluded that nature remains unshaken even if humans tried to taint it. The best peace and love could only be gotten from nature and never from anything else.
            Robert is also a national poet of Scotland as his works are still highly regarded. His works are always appreciated as even today the New Year eve song, sung is a poem by Burns.

            Being primitivists, his works goes back to the origin of nature. Primitivism emulates or aspires to recreate “primitive” idea. Burns work refers back to non-Western works such as folklore and oral tradition passed on for centuries.

            Primitivism inspired theories such as Romanticism to Neo Classism and finally Realism. It truly was against the idea of Renaissance as because they do not wish to escape into a man-made glory instead it prefers to reveal the solid truth behind every creation. The ultimate truth of natural growth such as thoughts, physical attributes and behavioral changes shows the reality of nature. The theory of Primitivism could be clearly seen in Robert Burns’ poetry “To a Mouse”.
            The poetry is written in typical Scottish English that speaks of man versus nature. Burns speaks about the feelings of nature towards modernization as he believes that man has forgotten their origin which creates fear for other natural things around them. This is seen in the poem as he apologizes to the mouse by saying;
                        “I’m truly sorry Man’s dominion
                        Has broken Nature’s social union,” (pg 105:7-8)
He compares his situation to the mouse and says that the mouse is suffering only on present time while his suffering seems continuous towards the future. This was mention in the last stanza when the poet says;
                        “Still, thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me!
                          The present only toucheth thee:
                          But Och! I backward cast my e’e,
                                                On prospects drear!
                         An’ forward tho’ I canna see,
                                                I guess an’ fear! (pg:106:line 43-48)
In this stanza, he also refers to the industrial revolution and how agrarian life has destroyed as peasants are left with nothing, “Thou saw the fields laid barean’waste,” ( line 25)

            Everything seems hopeless when destructions take place as the poet could foresee the annihilation that could take place with the introduction of Industrial Revolution. He assures the mouse to not be in fear for there will be a joy that awaits them. This could possibly refer to the peasants because he says,
                                    “An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
                                                            For promis’d joy” (line 40-41)      
He probably refers to the hope of restoration in future by looking at the mouse not at all worried as he is. His concern about the future deprives him to think of the present. While, the mouse seems to live his life at present having fear for the only present time issue rather than to worry about the future that he has no control of.  

            Robert Burns is ahead of his time to realize the natural life of human would soon be tainted with modernization. He had realized that the natural life of human is always going back to nature. A discovery from this poem seems to be that readers should be enlightened to live life naturally and accept things to take place at its own time. This is because nature has always better plans for you than for you to worry about the unpredictable future that you cannot change.

            In my point of view, Robert Burns is a genius of all time to believe in an ideology that seems natural and true. He admits that man can never be satisfied because Burns himself has succumbed to the “future” unlike the mouse that represents “nature”. I think that no matter how much a person moves ahead with modernization, nature always triumph because nature makes the sole decision to let modernization take place.

23 Nov 2019
8.43 P.M

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A thought and you

Life takes you to many unwanted directions. Sometimes you feel helpless. There might not be a single way to run or hide during that moment. A girl like me, always try to hide away from problems. I hate facing things even if im not at fault. I hate being put in a situation to meet eye to eye with an accuser. Discuss about a matter that I was blamed for.

I'd prefer to just move on, most of the time.  Although it could take more time than it actually needs. Wait a minute, how do you actually measure time for moving on? Don't we all have different healing process? Well, coming to the point again. I was put in a situation that didnt just tarnish my reputation, but also questioning my career that I felt I was very confident about. 

I have been always confident at the way I do my job. Not self praise but based on feedbacks that I have recieved for over 12 years now. It wasn't easily gained. It was truly years of observation, trial and error. So, after being put in many tests in life, I met a being at work. A person who seems very plesant, kind and understanding on the outer but bitter, destroying and demotivating from the inside. She had a different view on me and my work that she took away my confidence, my believe as a person.

She made me feel I was hopeless slowly and surely. Imagine going to a place that once you used to feel very happy about for 12 years, now all you could feel is fear. Fear of making mistake, fear of speaking, fear of looking up. I was not that person at all. She took my 'life' away. She made me feel hopeless, stupid and incapable. She made me constantly check on my methods, my theories and worst, myself. 

How can someone do this to you? But at the same time be very nice, caring and kind on the outside. Why did I let her do this to me? Maybe its because I was stupid. I was put on a test by God to see how am I going to face this. Then, ofcourse Allah will save his believer. So, a thing happened and I was put in the situation to face her. But this time to put her at her place. But being me, I didnt want her to feel how I did. So, i just told what actually happen. And God made her admit it by herself. I just sat there and looked. Looked at all of them. And I saw 1 person smiling at me. That assurance that everything is going to be okay. 

But before all this happened, I broke down to my loved one. I told him whats happening to me. I spoke shamelessly about my thoughts and how i felt honestly from the inside to have him speak about me again. To tell me how I was and how have I become. He helped me regain my confidence. He showed me my works. His advice woke me up. He told me to not fear but face it by being myself. I wasnt making any mistake. I was not lying. It was her all along still trying to arrange her words to sound nice, pretty and not blameworthy. However, everything has been said and done. The truth has been told. Some may not like it, but I can't be bothered anymore. Afterall, nothing is permanent. So, I am focussing on my own life, my happiness and my inner peace. Im still fixing my things again.

So thinking back. His encouragement means a lot to me. Im more than thankful to what he has done to me. He took me out. Got me what I needed without a second thought. He sat with me just looking at me doing what I love. He let me do it without any interruptions. When I was done. He was happier than me. 

I am encouraged now. I want to pen down my thoughts all the time. My analysis on literary works. I want to be read. I want to be seen through my words. This is my first thoughts. It would be flawful. But, arent flaws human nature? 

10.27 am
A Sunday
My dedication to my special one.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Welcome note

Hi dear readers,


I have started penning down again after 6 years of being absent from analysis after my studies. The objective of my blog is on reviews, and critical analysis on notable literary works in hope that my work would give a 2 cents help for other researchers in literary field.

With that my first review shall begin.
